Buchcover Nadia Qani

Photographer: Gaby Gerster

Infos on my book

I am a German from Afghanistan

From Kite Runner to Entrepreneur


My name is Nadia Qani. I am pleased to welcome you to my website.

There is something I’d like to share with you – my philosophy of life: "It is as it is, so make something of it." Why do I share this with you? My life has led me from Afghanistan, the land of my childhood and my youth, to Germany by an adventurous escape. When I arrived in Germany thirty years ago, I possessed nothing.

I began all over again. But I had a goal: I wanted to make something out of my life. And I have achieved want I wanted. Working in countless jobs, I moved further and further on – until I became the successful entrepreneur that I am today. For more than 15 years, I have directed a culture-sensitive nursing service.

Apart from my professional work, social commitment is an important part of my life. Afghan women are especially close close to my heart. And it is not only to them, but to other people as well that I want to return what I have received – kindness, love, and support.

Have I made you curious? Would you like to learn more about my life? I have recorded the story of my life – for you. "Ich bin eine Deutsche aus Afghanistan" ("I am a German from Afghanistan") – this is the title of my book which appeared in the fall of 2010. In it, I tell about my starting out as a kite runner in Kabul to becoming an entrepreneur in Frankfurt. Would you like to accompany me on my journey? We’ll start right away!

Sincerely yours,
Nadia Qani