
There are numerous reports and articles, audio and video clips about me as well as my business AHP Qani. Also, I have been repeatedly asked for interviews.

Below is a selection of a broad variety of reports and talks. Please read or listen yourself what others write or say about me – and what I have to say myself.

ZDF-Infokanal – Profile

The publication of my autobiography was the cause for a video clip on ZDF-Infokanal. Under the title "Power woman Nadia Qani – from asylum seeker to entrepreneur" – my life is presented with all its aspects. Read more here: Profile on ZDF-Infokanal

Hessischer Rundfunk – "Kulturen am Mittag"

The Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessen Broadcast Corporation) presented me in the series "Kulturen am Mittag" (cultures at noon) on January 2, 2011, in a talk. Starting point is the autobiography I wrote on my eventful life.
Here you can find a brief information on this talk.
Talk at "Cultures at Noon"

Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) (Federal Institute for Vocational Training) – Publication Jobstarter Praxis

"Gesichter und Geschichten: Migrantinnen und Migranten gründen Unternehmen und bilden aus" ("Faces and Stories: Migrants found businesses and offer vocational training") – this is the title of volume 5 of the series "Jobstarter Praxis". This publication was edited by the programme office at the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (federal institute of vocational education) (BIBB) and appeared in December 2010. It contains a report on me and my business. If you want to learn more on the "principle of recognition" please read my profile as an extract of the whole brochure. In this contribution I explain why recognition is especially important in vocational training.
Extract on my business

Visiting Mathildenschule in Offenbach

Vocational training, actually education in general, is a topic dear to my heart. This is the reason why I was a guest in grades 9b and 9c of the Mathildenschule in Offenbach. In a lesson on preparation for vocational life I introduced the students to my concept of "culture-sensitive nursing". Ellen Mhunguane, the class teacher, wrote a report you can read here.
Report on my visit at Mathildenschule

Südwest-Rundfunk – "Leute"

Katja Heijnen, radio host at SWR1 (South-Western Broadcasting Corporation), in the broadcast "People" on November 7, 2010, talked with me about my life full of obstacles, about integration, help for elderly people and a lot of courage. The title of the report: "Never give up! People with Nadia Qani. From asylum seeker to model entrepreneur".
Information on this broadcast may be found on SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) – the website also contains a link to the audio clip.

FRIZZ Frankfurt – Profile

On October 26, 2010, he Frankfurt Magazine FRIZZ published a detailed profile including an interview with me, entitled "My new life". On page 20, please find the complete FRIZZ article.

Bayern 3 – "Mensch, Otto!"

On October 13, 2010, on Bayern 3 (broadcasting corporation), I was a guest in "Mensch, Otto!" I told about my life – my escape from Afghanistan, my new beginning in Germany – and how I worked my way up from cleaning lady to successful entrepreneur.
Guest at Bayern 3

Deutsche Welle – Report

On occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair where I presented my autobiography and with it my life in two worlds, on October 10, 2010, an article about me was published on Deutsche Welle:
"I am a German from Afghanistan"

Frankfurter Rundschau – Article

Canan Topçu reported on my life in the Frankfurter Rundschau. The title of her article:
"Drachen jagen und den Erfolg" (Chasing dragons and success).

Portal "Weltbeweger" – Profile

The portal "Weltbeweger" (affecting the world) presented me and my work. The emphasis of this article is on my conviction that it is possible to reconcile financial efficiency and social commitment. You can read more on
"Muttersprachliche Fürsorge und Betreuung für Zuwanderer" (care and support for immigrants in their native languages).

Visiting Heinrich-von-Gagern-Gymnasium in Frankfurt

In September 2008 I visited a class of the Heinrich von Gagern Gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main. One of the students, Nastasja Penzar, afterwards wrote under the title "Hope springs eternal – Nadia Qani in our school": "We will not forget this lesson, full of emotions and admiration for a woman who writes the future out of her experience."
Please read for yourself.

We are successful! 30 Muslim women in Germany – Profile

The author Kerstin E. Finkelstein met with 30 practising Muslim women from a variety of Muslim countries. She recorded their experiences and success stories in single profiles. Of course, there is also a profile of myself.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – Article

On November 27, 2007, Stephan Toepfer published a profile of me in the FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung): Nadia Qani im Portrait: "Eine Tasche, ein Kleid – mehr hatte ich nicht" ("Profile of Nadia Qani: A bag, a dress – that’s all I had")

IHK WirtschaftsForum – Article

In March 2006, on the occasion of my first prize in the competition "Together in Hessen", the IHK Wirtschaftsforum (magazine of the German chamber of commerce and industry) presented me and my business AHP. The title of the article: "From the idea of integration to the idea for a business. Competition "Together in Hessen": Award for Nadia Qani." You can read the article here:
Article in IHK WirtschaftsForum

Portal "Internationale Betriebe bilden aus" – Profile

The portal "International enterprises offer vocational training" ( published a profile of my business AHP Qani in the summer of 2005. Emphasis is on my special commitment for trainees: "Trainees always bring latest knowledge to the business" – AHP – Ambulanter Häuslicher Pflegedienst Nadia Qani (domestic nursing service).
Please read the profile.

PiA Passgenau in Arbeit – Talk

I have been a cooperation partner of PiA (finding a custom-fit job) Frankfurt for many years. This is how I contribute to making migrant women fit for the job market. In this talk, I explain how economics work by "value creation by estimation (appreciation)" using the example of my own business. Please read the complete talk.

Portal Afghanasamai

This portal, run by the Afghan association ASA-MA-I, contains information and news on many topics, especially on Afghanistan and Afghan people. As a matter of course, there is also a report on myself.

Portal Germanasamai

On this portal, the Afghan association ASA-MA-I collects German information and news on a variety of topics, focusing on Afghanistan. Of course, information interesting and worth knowing on Afghan people is part of it. The category "people crossing bridges" contains some reports that introduce me. A great deal of information on myself (Nadia Qani Survey, Success and Recognition, Literature and Press Review, photo gallery) is to be found on this web page of Germanasamai: